Sekilas tentang mocaf, pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk memicu peningkatan jumlah papan, sandang dan pangan. sementara kenaikan jumlah penduduk justru mengurangi jumlah fungsi lahan, yang secara lagsung berdampak pada berkurangnya pasokan pangan. meskipun pangan bisa saja di datangkan dari luar negri. akal manusia tidak berhenti di situ saja. banyak inovasi pengembangan teknologi pangan yang dihas…
This study on the impact of Globalization on the cultural life of grassroots people in asia was initially proposed by our friend form ThaiDHRRA, DURING Tagayta DHRRA Board meeting 1994, where it was felt that the degree and intensity of the impact of the economic globalization would much depend on the resistance of the local culture and the reaction of the grassroots people to the multifaced gl…
This publication contains the initial outputs of the research component of AsiaDHRRA's regional project on linking small farmers to markets (LSFM) as implemented by Bina Desa in Indonesia